A modern reality point of reference at national level
Born in the early Eighties from a group of Neapolitan entrepreneurs, the company has been able to evolve to become a modern reality immersed in the social fabric of North Naples as well as a point of reference
of the sector nationwide.
With 15 people in its staff, it transforms a year over 60,000 q. of low density shrink film, supplying large companies and multinationals .
Until 1989 called Industria I.F.T. SPA (Thermoplastic film industry)
Since 1989 it has taken on the name of Thermoplastic Applications
Since 1996 Andrea S. L. Espoletto has been at the helm as Administrator and as Commercial Director.

To offer an increasingly competent service to its customers, Thermoplastic Applications has obtained the ISO 9001: 2000 certification. All company processes and procedures are therefore controlled and certified making the company undoubtedly a safe and reliable reality.
On request, our manual can be made available to our customers.
Who we are

Andrea Espoletto
CEO - Commercial Area